Well, we made it. This piece covers the last division I’ve yet to look at – the National League East – and it also marks a full trip around the country and around the Major League bases. As of today, all 30 M.L.B. clubs will have received their Soccer Out of Context re-imagining.
The series has been beyond fun for me to design, write and produce. I want to share a number with you guys, a number that could not be more impressive to me even if it was rendered in Red Sox-style numeral typeface. In fact, hold on – let me do just that.

As of today, that’s the number of unique visitors this site has hosted since December 13th, the day about ten weeks ago on which I published the first Soccer Out of Context piece. (And sorry; any time I use a Fenway wall motif I can’t resist throwing in a ‘No Pepper’ reference.)